Lit eZine Vol 4 | p-15 | POETRY | Winter is a Careful Nurse


by Selma Martin

A man walking among bare trees with snow on the branches
Image by TanteTati
(Inspired by John Keats’ Sonnet — The Human Seasons)

Maybe it’s in the youthful years
of spring when green and blissfully
unaware if one wakes or sleeps,
and remotely untouched by the
prospect of an imminent end,
Man uncurtains heaven and
fails to see that one cannot
prolong the night—that in the shores
of darkness, there too exists a
budding light; that in the sullen mist,
uneven stones still mark the way
to lead the feet with mental might
through untrodden greenery. Maybe.

Maybe it’s in the verdant breath
of summer that man uncurtains it,
drowsed in its fiery noon hours
of cloudless skies where hardly a
stir of air there be, yet so much
life exists within the feathered grass
unlike in spring when he chewed
on nature’s naive cud uncoiled,
unblushing and unquenchable
from dawn to dusk: still unaware
that winter is on its way. Maybe
Maybe man’s Phoenix wings take flight
in autumn. Uncurtaining the heavens,
melodizing it before the
wintry days with Hecate’s spells
and faery powers that bring the
fully ripened hand of chance
before the winter winds and
freezing stars—not clear in summer,
not there in spring; unheeded
before, unheeded no more for
now the soul listens—one season
until Winter, whose melancholic
penchant to numb limbs, with her cold
fingers, touches man’s lips and
curtains him off to heaven, where
he lives forever unaware
if he wakes or if he sleeps.

Selma Martin is the author of In The Shadow of Rainbows: A collection of songs of presence—her debut poetry collection.
She is a retired English teacher with 20 years of teaching children ESL in Japan. She is an enthusiast of life, a believer in goodness in the world and in finding balance in the beauty in the ordinary.
Selma has published stories on Medium for many years, in MasticadoresUSA, The Poetorium At Starlight, Short Fiction Break, and Spillwords. After her first NaPoWriMo in April 2021, Selma writes
poetry on her website. She and her husband of thirty-three years are parents to two adult children and are now empty nesters. She lives in Japan with her husband in a small town near the Pacific Ocean.

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4 thoughts on “Lit eZine Vol 4 | p-15 | POETRY | Winter is a Careful Nurse

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    1. Truths about the seasons of our lives. Your comment warms my insides. Thanks so much. Perhaps you will submit your lovely words to Lit eZine too? I hope so. Do, dear one.
      Happy Holidays, my sweet. Remember: stress-free 🤗

      Liked by 2 people

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