Poem Of The Day (1st Oct 2022)

Welcome to my Poem Of The Day (1st Oct 2022). I hope you enjoyed reading THE WILFUL VILLIAN. Please do leave a comment, your support and criticism are equally appreciated.

Silence Hurts ~ UNREQUITED

'Silence Hurts' from the book UNREQUITED Welcome to the world of my published words. I am delighted that you chose to stop by and have a look. Every Thursday, I share with you a tiny excerpt from one of my published books. Today, I bring to you a quote from my book UNREQUITED. So, here... Continue Reading →

Broken Wings ~ UNREQUITED

'Broken Wings' from the book UNREQUITED Welcome to the world of my published words. I am delighted that you chose to stop by and have a look. Every Thursday, I share with you a tiny excerpt from one of my published books. Today, I bring to you a quote from my book UNREQUITED. So, here... Continue Reading →


'Blind Love' from the book UNREQUITED Welcome to the world of my published words. I am delighted that you chose to stop by and have a look. Every Thursday, I share with you a tiny excerpt from one of my published books. Today, I bring to you a quote from my book UNREQUITED. So, here... Continue Reading →

Relentless Grief ~ UNREQUITED

'Relentless Grief' from the book UNREQUITED Welcome to the world of my published words. I am delighted that you chose to stop by and have a look. Every Thursday, I share with you a tiny excerpt from one of my published books. Today, I bring to you a quote from my book UNREQUITED. So, here... Continue Reading →

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