WORD OF THE DAY ~ Strubbly

Welcome to Vocabulary Wednesday

~Words To Help You Write Better

WORD OF THE DAY ~ Strubbly

The strubbly mop of hair atop her head make her look like a bird’s nest on feet.

If you use WORD OF THE DAY ~ Strubbly in any of your writing, please link back to this post and share the link or the work itself in the comments. I will add the links to your post here so the others can find your work easily.
We all would love to be inspired by your creativity.


Word Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

7 thoughts on “WORD OF THE DAY ~ Strubbly

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  1. what’s strubbling me is knot the same as ewes, when locks of hares become unkept messes of their own emotional baggage, build-ups, and instabilities of predators’ veracious appetite for more practices of inhumanity, preying on the consumptions, materialism, and devouring of broken hearts in Hue’s of women and men raisedband conditioned in the inconsiderate arms of masculinity. Untidy subverters of feminines’ divinity to colour in the lives within shades of black and white, grays actually, booked in-place of the library of His stories, myths, and fables that always sequel the knead to construct white picket fences and rescue princesses and damsels from stressful situations in acts of kindness in which the men play the part of the Empath. Cue the clowns, raise the tents…the circus is in town. Masters run multiple rings simultaneously, of performances encircling the masses into herds, sides, and rumors of propoganda that only gain in momentum, coups, and Deep states of strubbly Sol’s🙏. Thank you💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay, playing in Google finds an article at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary mentioned as source, “10 Words from Pennsylvania German
      From ‘dunk’ to ‘panhas,’ with a strubbly snallygaster in between”. And in that article, “Strubbly is a simpler version of the older Pennsylvania German schtruwwlich, which shares an ancient relative with the Old High German strūben, meaning “to stand on end” (it was used of hair specifically).”

      Liked by 1 person

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