To Mom With Love

“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.”

-Barbara Kingsolver

Mother- She is the first interaction of a child with the world. She is the nurturing force of this universe. Yet, in our race to find ourselves, we often forget the one who gave us birth.

Being a mom is the toughest job in the world. And bringing up the child is perhaps the easy part. The joy of watching her now grown-up child go out into the world is mixed with the sadness of loss, a void that nothing can ever fill. Still, she always supports her child in every way she can. I belong to that tribe…I know!

a mother's love

But do we make an effort to understand how she feels? This is a question we need to address. Put yourselves in her shoes and see…

There’s no love greater than the love of a mother. She deserves to be made to feel special every day of her life for all her silent sacrifices and tireless caring. At times, we walk so far away from our loved ones that we don’t know how to reach out to them anymore. Perhaps, that is why these days were created… the perfect opening to bridge that gap…

Let us begin today, show her that we care… all it takes is a moment to call her, or at least send a message, buy her something that she would treasure… it takes just a moment to let her know she is special!

The best tribute we can give our moms is to give back all that love to the world by being a loving mother to our own children. Keep the ball rolling…

And to all the uncelebrated supermoms, all I want to say is this…

Don’t wait for someone else to make you feel special.


Celebrate yourself lovely ladies,

for you are the driving force of this world.

Happy Mother’s Day!

From me to all of you, a beautiful song to celebrate moms…


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