Let’s have an ‘AHA MOMENT’- Build A New Word

brain cartoon
‘Aha Moment!”

Sometimes, inspiration strikes. Sometimes, we poke and prod at our brains to produce that spark. Whatever. The result is gratifying, though.

Often, as writers, or even otherwise in the course of our daily living, we do find ourselves wishing for words to aptly explain what we are feeling. I personally do keep groping for enough words to put my thoughts on paper, or rather, shall I say, on my word document! It has been a long while since I wrote anything much on paper. It is beginning to seem like a lost art to me, but writing on digital machines is what I prefer now.

However, that is not the point here at all. Let me get back to my original train of thought…the lack of enough words. I got to thinking about it when I was reading the comments of my friends scottfw and Shantanu Baruah on my Word Of The Day~Eucatastrophe post this Wednesday. If Tolkien can build words, why can’t we! After all, the language lives and flourishes because of its users who continually adapt it to the times.

So let’s get going! I invite every one of you to join in with a word you have created to speak your heart out, or many if you so desire! Build from scratch, mix words, borrow a little from another language… the possibilities are endless.

woman working on a computer
Building New Words… Oh! What fun!

Let’s write our own CREATIONARY, well, here is one word we already have to begin with (create+dictionary for anyone who might have missed it). Post your ideas in the comments and we can list them all up here as they come in. How many words can we gather… infinite, I hope! I would certainly love to use some crazy, funny, expressive words in my writing. This new resource could be a lot of fun! Just remember to credit the person whose words you use, I’m sure they would love the appreciation.

Here’s my word for today-

FLUTTERHUG: When someone’s words caress you like a hug that causes flutters in your being.

And of course,
CREATIONARY:  Our very own dictionary of newly created words.

What’s yours?

HOPELICIOUS: Hope which is delicious ( From Shantanu Baruah)

QUART: Quickly Start (From Ridhima)


Thank you very much for your contribution. Keep sending in your words…


Images by André Santana and GraphicMama-team from Pixabay 

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